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RE: Robustness Check and "A growing body of ad-hoc analysis solutions"

From: Randy Picker
Subject: RE: Robustness Check and "A growing body of ad-hoc analysis solutions"
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 09:50:46 -0500

As a complete outsider to Swarm-I setup 1.3 and now wait for 2.0-and someone
who has relied on Starlogo for simulation work, I just want to make sure
that I understand the discussion. I gather that there is no easy way native
to Swarm to repeat simulations? Most of the work that I have done in
Starlogo involves running the simulation anywhere from 100s to 1000s of
times for particular parameter values to generate aggregate statistics, and
then moving on to a different chunk of the parameter space and repeating
that process. I assume most work using simulations follows that pattern.

That makes repetition fundamental. I don't know that it needs to be native,
but it needs to be easy, and Paul Johnson's last message suggests that he
found it a struggle to make drone work.

Do I have an accurate sense of the repetition situation in Swarm? Will
anything in 2.0 change this? I sit here as someone who works now in starlogo
on a macintosh and who would like to migrate to a faster environment. That
could mean a java version of starlogo from Tufts on a Unix machine, but also
might mean Swarm, which seems, from the traffic on the list, to have an
enormous learning curve, and one made even steeper without a good setup for


Prof. Randal C. Picker
Paul and Theo Leffmann Professor
   of Commercial Law
The Law School
The University of Chicago
1111 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

email: address@hidden
voice: 773-702-0864
fax: 773-702-0730
website: www.law.uchicago.edu/Picker/

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