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Re: Finding out why Swarm won't install...

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Finding out why Swarm won't install...
Date: 12 Jul 1999 11:21:35 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.3.11

>>>>> "DS" == DARREN MATTHEW SCHREIBER <address@hidden> writes:

DS> I remember someone on here saying you could do terminal emulation
DS> from emacs?  Is that right?  How do I do it?  I want to be able to
DS> save the output from make to a file so I can read it/post it.  My
DS> terminal window in Linux won't let me cut text out.

  M-x shell

or, if you really want terminal emulation and not just a shell,

  M-x term

(The shell buffer can then be saved like any other using C-x C-s.)

For those that don't know EmacsSpeak:

Above "M-" means the `meta' which is typically the "Alt" key.
If "Alt" doesn't work, then meta maps to the "Esc" key.
In the former case you press "Alt" and "x" together.  In the latter
case you press "Esc" and then "x" (and the type the word "shell" followed
by return). 

"C-" means to use the "Control" key, which is always set up as a `mode'
button.  So for saving you keep control key held down and then press
"x" and then "s".  (In this case there won't be a filename yet, so
Emacs will prompt you for a filename.)

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