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Re: testing memory problems

From: Juan A Rodriguez
Subject: Re: testing memory problems
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 20:33:24 -0500

>>>>> "JR" == Juan A Rodriguez <address@hidden> writes:

JR> I'll let you know whether I manage to make it work.

>FYI, with recent versions of GDB on Linux-based systems, jdk1.2.2 may
>just lock up when you say "run".  (I don't know why and haven't

That actually happens to me. I was too enthusiastic when answering your former 
e-mail and saying that it worked.

> If that happens to you, you may be able to start up
>your model, and *then* run gdb, using the `attach' feature of gdb get

That's cool. I'll try this.

>Otherwise, please feel free to upload your model to 
>ftp://ftp.santafe.edu/pub/swarm/users-contrib/incoming, posting
>any info that might be needed to reproduce the problem.  While there
>may be occasions that someone can suggest a trick or recognize a 
>particular bug pattern, the most robust way to get to an answer 
>is to make it possible for folks to run real code. 

ok. I'll think about it.

>If your model is proprietary somehow, then test cases are the only way
>to go.  (And if you're confident in the hypothesis about the failure, not
>really as much of a hassle to write as you might think.)

I'm really struggling to find out what's going on. Firstly for myself (this bug 
is confusing us and locking up our project up to the point that I've been 
suggested to throw the java version away) and secondly because other users may 
come across the same nasty thing in the near future.
Thanks for the information. I'll try to get familiarised with gdb and spot 
what's going wrong.


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