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Re: Dancing rabbits hawking toilet paper (was Re: Big Leak, Titanic g

From: glen e. p. ropella
Subject: Re: Dancing rabbits hawking toilet paper (was Re: Big Leak, Titanic going down again!)
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 08:37:10 -0800

Marcus is taking care of us!  In the next CD release
of Swarm, he will include CVS.  Everyone who buys a CD will
have a copy of CVS.  But, for those who
can't wait, I recommend http://www.sourcegear.com/CVS

As for what it is... Concurrent Version Systems provides
a source (and anything else, actually) code control system
that allows multiple people to work on the same body of code
at the same time.  That's the official reason why it's better
than RCS or SourceSafe or other packages that force a kind
of single user mode.  But, in reality, it's just an easy to
use source code control system with lots of useful features.

It's distributed (you can get the snapshots for swarm via
cvs over the net), it's multi-user, it's open source, blah
blah blah.  The bottom line is that using it can change
your coding habits, thereby helping you create higher quality


glen e. p. ropella =><= The front line is everywhere. Hail Eris!
Home: http://forager.swarm.com/~gepr              (505) 424-0448
Work: http://www.swarm.com                        (505) 995-0818

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