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Re: Swarm on MacOS X status?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Swarm on MacOS X status?
Date: 15 Dec 2001 18:09:48 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "WN" == W Northcott <address@hidden> writes:

WN> I still don't have a working gcc 3.1 compiler. 

I pulled the current GCC 3.1 sources and built it again.  I found
there is a new reqired start-up file (3crt1.o) not distributed with
the Mac OS 10.1 developer package.  Buildling that file required pulling
new (Apple) `Csu' sources, and creating an `indr' tool from the `cctools'
module.  Because it's a hassle, I've attached it.  As I put my source
builds in /packages, my copy of the file goes in /packages/lib.

To build GCC 3.1 [Apple's tree], I put this in the gcc subdirectory of
the build directory as well as in the gcc/{stage1,stage2}
subdirectories (this is for a full "make bootstrap").  Besides that,
the Fortran libf2c component library subdirectories had "makefile.ori"
files instead of a Makefile.  I copied the makefile.ori to Makefile
and it built.

I have not tried to build avcall, recent Tcl/Tk, or BLT.  But maybe
someone can use the information above to make some binaries for the
other people interested in Mac OS X.

Attachment: 3crt1.o
Description: GCC 3 startup file

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