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Re: [VM] Key bindings - minor reorganization

From: Goran Uddeborg
Subject: Re: [VM] Key bindings - minor reorganization
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:00:22 -0000
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

Den 2011-04-27 skrev Uday Reddy <address@hidden>:
> I agree that having a key binding for edit-current-message is useful.  I 
> admit to using it myself occasionally.  But it looks like "e" is a bad 
> key for it.  It is too easy to type it accidentally and find yourself in 
> a strange situation.

Point taken.

> If 
> you have a suggestion for another key for it, I would be glad to add it 
> to the current bindings.

Hm, according to "Major Mode Conventions in the elisp manual

   * The key sequences bound in a major mode keymap should usually
     start with `C-c', followed by a control character, a digit, or `{',
     `}', `<', `>', `:' or `;'.

So maybe C-c C-e would make sense?

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