I've recently gotten
interested in creating GoBible modules for a large number of
translations to be made available on scriptureearth.org.
Bibledit exports modules that have worked on 3 different phones
we have tried them on, which is good. We have been able to
change the interface to Spanish by swapping out the
ui.properties file in the .jar file. What I don't know how to do
at this point is get Spanish book names. The GoBible modules
produced by SIL's Pathway seems to use the book name from the
\h field in the text, but it appears that Bibledit doesn't. The
Pathway generated module does not work on my phone, but does
work on at least one other phone. Hence, I prefer the Bibledit
module, but I'd like the Spanish or vernacular book names. Any
Loren Hawthorne