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[PATCH v2] Re: Improve the performance of `org-set-tags-command` on larg

From: Christopher M. Miles
Subject: [PATCH v2] Re: Improve the performance of `org-set-tags-command` on large `org-tag-alist`
Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 02:14:35 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.3; emacs 30.0.50

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles" <numbchild@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>>> (let ((bound-tags (seq-filter 'cdr temp-fulltable)))
>>>>   (if (length> bound-tags 0)
>>>>       bound-tags
>>>>     (seq-take temp-fulltable 26)))
>>>> #+end_src
>>> This will unconditionally drop auto-labeled tags when user-bound tags
>>> exist, even if the total number of tags in buffer does not exceed 26.
>> I try to read the source code of `org-fast-tag-selection', but the code is 
>> hard to read.
> Yeah. I agree. But we have what we have.
>> I don't know how to keep auto-labeled tags. Do you have any suggestions?
> You are almost there.
> Just run your code only when (lentgh> fulltable 26).
> Of course, 26 should be a defcustom rather than a hard-coded constant.
> And do the same for `org-fast-todo-selection'.

Ok, I added defcustom option, and add cl-case condition on custom option

Attachment: 0001-org-Improve-the-tags-fast-selection-performance.patch


[ stardiviner ]
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