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Experimental public branch for inline special blocks

From: Juan Manuel Macías
Subject: Experimental public branch for inline special blocks
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2024 20:34:35 +0000


Finally, I have made public on GitLab my experimental branch for the new
(possible) inline-special-block element:


The code incorporates fixes and modifications and I have also added some
ideas from Maxim Nikulin. The LaTeX and HTML backends are complete,
although of course it can still be perfected. Recapitulating the
necessary information:

The new element can be nested and supports other elements such as links,
macros, emphasis marks, etc.

The basic syntax:

│ &foo{lorem ipsum dolor}

produces in LaTeX:

│ \foo{lorem ipsum dolor}

and in HTML:

│ <span class="foo">lorem ipsum dolor</span>

There is also an anonymous variant:

│ &_{lorem ipsum dolor}

Optional attributes in square brackets are supported. There are a series
of 'universal' attributes, common to each backend. At the moment:
`:lang', `:color' and `:smallcaps'. Example:

│ &foo[:color red :smallcaps t :lang it]{lorem ipsum dolor}

Specific to the LaTeX backend we have the `:prelatex' and `:postlatex'
attributes (which introduce arbitrary code before and after the content)
and `:latex-command', which overrides the exported command.
`:latex-command nocommand' does not export a command flag. Examples:

│ &foo[:prelatex [bar] :postlatex {baz} :lang it :latex-command blah]{lorem 
ipsum dolor}


│ \foreignlanguage{italian}{\blah[bar]{lorem ipsum dolor}{baz}}

│ &_[:prelatex \foo{bar} :color red]{lorem ipsum dolor}


│ {\color{red}\foo{bar}lorem ipsum dolor}

Likewise, for HTML we have the `:html-tag' and `:html-class' attributes
(which override the tags and the class name) and another one, more
generic, `:html', which introduces arbitrary code, such as

We can group lists of attributes as aliases. The syntax waould be:

│ &alias!{text}

and we can also combine aliases with more single attributes:

│ &alias![more-attributes]{text}

An example: let's imagine that we want a specific block for short quotes
in Latin and italics (it is normative in some typographical traditions
that quotes in classical Latin are put in italics instead of quotation

│ #+options: inline-special-block-aliases:(("latin" :lang "la" :latex-command 
"textit" :html-tag "em"))
│ Caesar's famous quote: &latin!{Alea iacta est}
│ Caesar's famous quote: &latin![:smallcaps t :color blue]{Alea iacta est}

==> LaTeX:

│ Caesar's famous quote: \foreignlanguage{latin}{\textit{Alea iacta est}}
│ Caesar's famous quote: 
{\scshape{}\color{blue}\foreignlanguage{latin}{\textit{Alea iacta est}}}

== HTML:

│ Caesar's famous quote: <em lang="la" class="latin">Alea iacta est</em>
│ Caesar's famous quote: <em style="color:blue;font-variant:small-caps;" 
lang="la" class="latin">Alea iacta est</em>

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Juan Manuel Macías -- Composición tipográfica, tratamiento de datos, diseño 
editorial y ortotipografía

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