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Re: [Gnash-dev] video in gnash

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] video in gnash
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 17:12:03 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061107)

Tomas Groth wrote:

>  * Let gnash/libcurl fetch the video, not ffmpeg, since ffmpeg doesn't support
> RTMP (though neither does vanilla libcurl).

  Actually this is the right way to do it, because I have a patch to
libCurl ( that's
about 90% done to add RTMP support. There is a bug in the AMF header
encoding I haven't had time to track down. So we need to use libCurl to
handle talking to a Flash server. We may still want to use the
background thread and a cache though.

>  * Implement MovieClip.attachAudio() for audio handling of video (audio should
> not be automaticly enabled it seems).

  Probably correct again.

>  * Seperate the video/audio decoding from the NetStream AS-object and put it
> into a video/media handler. This should hopefully make it easier/cleaner to
> support other video decoders (gstreamer).

  We should make a base class for this just like the networking code is
for NetConnection. Supporting multiple decoders is also a good idea. For
one thing for better Nokia 770 support, they donated patches to
Gstreamer for their hardware based video decoder. Since ffmpeg has FLV
and VP6 support, we'll need to potentially use the ffmpeg Gstreamer
plugin on some platforms to get better performance.

>  * Implement video viewing for AGG, and later cairo.

  Yes, since we'll be wanting to stream video on embedded devices, which
is when we'll likely be using AGG. The Cairo backend isn't fully
functional, I don't think anybody's been working on it since the AGG
backend works.

> As a side bonus I also hope make support for video embedded directly in
> SWF-animations.

  You'd think that would be easier, since there is no networking required.

        - rob -

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