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Re: Tekram IR-210B & 6110 - Hopeless?

From: Gaute Amundsen
Subject: Re: Tekram IR-210B & 6110 - Hopeless?
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 04:10:35 +0200

On Thursday 12 September 2002 12:02, Pawel Kot wrote:
> >>> address@hidden 12 September 2002 11:26:49 >>>
> >
> > Correct me if I am wrong.
> > 6110 is just about the last model in the nokia line that do not speak
> > propper full blown irda, and the IR-210B is the only dongle that will not
> > suport gnokis own infrared mode..
> The first part is correct. But why do you say that IR-210B won't work with
> gnokii infrared driver?
> Did you read Docs/gnokii-ir-howto?

Precisely. It says:
>  5.6.  External Adapters - who don't work with gnokii
>  Short list:
>  o  ``Tekram IR210B''

No mention of why, or how it does not work...

> > Loads of nice irdadump waving of hands - ie. not quite handshaking.
> But why do you enable Linux-IrDA?

You jump to conclusions it seems...
Of course I had to try. You can't belive anything you read nowadays you know 

> > address@hidden root]# /usr/local/bin/gnokii --identify
> > GNOKII Version 0.4.3
> > Opened configuration file /root/.gnokiirc
> > Added new section global
> > Adding key/value port//dev/ircomm0
> > Adding key/value model/6110
> > Adding key/value initlength/1
> > Adding key/value connection/irda
> It has NO chance to work.
> > Killing irattach, and trying "infrared" mode the best I can manage is:
> Are irda modules *unloaded*? Even better is to try it with recompiled
> kernel with no irda modules. Then you can be sure.

Must admitt I am having some problems here. they just won't die, and I dont 
know how to find what is keeping them bussy.
(and it is 4 at night..)

> > address@hidden root]# /usr/local/bin/gnokii --identify
> > GNOKII Version 0.4.3
> Could you please try latest CVS?

Will do if stripping out all the irda stuff does'nt help.
(when I figure it out)

> > What I can not manage is to get minicom to talk to the phone.
> And you won't.

Is that because of the phone?
Is that dependent on irda?
Somebody on the list claimed to be doing that, but I can't remember the 
details clearly now..

> > Now, what do you all reckon? Where should I spend my effort?
> Two things:
>  - unload/disable all linux-irda related things.
>  - use latest cvs, there were fixes in the nk6100 driver after 0.4.3
> release.

Thanks. Will do.


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