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[gpsd-users] Z3805A time and frequency standard

From: Greger Gimseus
Subject: [gpsd-users] Z3805A time and frequency standard
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:43:38 +0200
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Hi there!

Has anyone here got an HP Z3805A GPS disciplined frequency standard hooked up to gpsd?
It's got 10MHz and 1PPS output so I was planning on using it in my lab (where my gpsd/ntp server is located as well),
nice and big dual crystal oven - disciplined by gps (however I'm thinking I might change the oven for a rubidium source),
anyhow - I'm wondering if the unit outputs gps (NMEA?) data through the serial interface, or anywhere else on the pcb?

If not - I'm wondering if it'd be possible to use another gps source, like any usb gps receiver, and using a separate 1PPS source,
or does it have to be from the same source?


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