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Re: [gpsd-users] Proposed 9600 baud option for gpspipe

From: IT1 Stuart Blake Tener, USNR
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] Proposed 9600 baud option for gpspipe
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 15:01:50 -0400
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.3.9)


Well the first thing I need to do is to figure out if the radio wants E71, O71, or N81. If the radio wants N81 then yes, using "raw pass8" would be a good idea for sure. Alternatively, if E71 is needed I will use "-pass8".

I noticed that raw makes sure to set and/or unset a large myriad of parameters, so I will have to look and see what all of them are. Mostly likely, it will set things in a manner good for the radio I'd presume.

Regarding the 1 off generation of JSON output, since I saw hardware information in there I thought it was intentional and not a bug. However, after thinking about it, there is no reason to output JSON when asking for NMEA or binary formats. The information about the device can still be gotten from running gpspipe with the JSON option, so its generation is duplicitous and unwarranted.

Whilst I do have a grep workaround, it would be nice to see that fixed. I presume it is likely a bug in the libgps because I saw no code impelling the output of JSON in the gpspipe source code per se.

V/R 73,

Stuart, N3GWG
Computer Scientist


IT1 Stuart Blake Tener, USNR, N3GWG (Extra), MROP

Las Vegas, NV / Boulder, CO / Philadelphia, PA / Beverly Hills, CA

(310) 358-0202 Mobile Phone
(215) 338-6005 Google Voice

e-mail: address@hidden

Quoting "Gary E. Miller" <address@hidden>:

Yo Stuart!

On Fri, 28 Jun 2013 07:14:07 -0400
"IT1 Stuart Blake Tener, USNR" <address@hidden> wrote:

I did some testing and realized that I could simply do as follows:

stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 -parenb cs8 -cstopb
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB1 4800 -parenb cs8 -cstopb

That still leaves some ambiguity as to the final state of the serial
ports.  I would do something more like:

stty -F /dev/ttyUSB1 9600 raw pass8

You may also want to investigate hardware flow control.  4800 and 9600
are pretty slow for modern GPS data rates.

my end testing will probably yield something closer to:

gpspipe -r | grep -v "{" | grep "GPGGA" | tee /dev/ttyUSB1

So as to strip out the initial burst of JSON and to only grab the
positional data. I'd have more testing to do for that to work.

Any JSON is -r mode is a bug.  By definition -r is NMEA only.  I'll look
into that.

Taking your suggestion into consideration, indeed it seems rather
superfluous to have code inclusive that does the serial
communications in gpspipe.


Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97701
        address@hidden  Tel:+1(541)382-8588

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