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Re: How to add "Up:" to Texinfo navigation bar?

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: Re: How to add "Up:" to Texinfo navigation bar?
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 10:07:15 +0200

On Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 04:11:03PM +0200, Rudolf Adamkovič wrote:
> Patrice Dumas <> writes:
> Further, MathJax is now loaded and runs only if the page actually
> contains math, which makes a difference.

I think that it should already have been the case prevously.

> However, as I cleaned up my "HTML build pipeline" today, I noticed that
> I still need to run one last fragile hack:
>   find . \
>     -type f \
>     -name '*.html' \
>     -exec sed \
>       -i '' 's/id="MathJax-script" async/id="MathJax-script"/g' {} \;
> This is because Texinfo loads MathJax asynchronously, and that is it.
> If the user wants to load it synchronously, say to avoid the initial
> flicker when running locally, the user is out of luck.
> I wonder, could we also introduce MATHJAX_ASYNCHRONOUS, set to true by
> default?  With that, the user will, at last, have full control over
> MathJax in Texinfo HTML exports.

The sed seems enough to me, especially for something that is more
relevant locally, we already have too many customization variables.

> P.S. The `INSTALL.generic' file opens with
>   Basic Installation
>   ==================
>      The following shell commands:
>        test -f configure || ./bootstrap
>        ./configure
>        make
>        make install
> but there is no `boostrap' file.  I eventually figured out what to do,
> but it added unnecessary friction.  As a person with "fresh eyes", I
> figured I should let you know about the problem.

Indeed, if I understood well, for texinfo, it should be

  test -f configure || ./

However, this file is not under our control, so I am not sure what we
could do.  Gavin, and idea?


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