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Re: [Koha-devel] full text search

From: Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] full text search
Date: Tue Dec 10 02:38:02 2002
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

On Tuesday 10 December 2002 11:23, Chris Cormack wrote:

> When you distribute a non-GPL application that only works with the MySQL
> software and ship it with the MySQL software. This type of solution is
> actually considered to be linking even if it's done over a network.
> Since we neither ship Koha with MySQL, nor is Koha non-GPL. The license is
> not an issue. And Koha and MySQL being GPLd prevents it from ever becoming
> one.
> The technical constraint is the actual issue, and im not against binding
> koha to specific db in principle.
> If the benefits gained are such to warrant the disadvantages.

I think there's still a chance to mantain koha indepedent from a database 
engine while using specific database engine optimizations: A new abstraction 
layer may be created in places where optimizations are used. This layer could 
be implemented as a class. Something like this:

package Koha::Search


sub new {

sub search {
        $dbeng = shift;
        $keywords = shift;

        if (lc($dbeng) eq 'mysql') {
                # Perform search with mysql optimizations
        } elsif (lc ($dbeng) eq 'postgresql') {
                # Perform search with postgresql optimizations
        } elsif ...
                # Perform search with X database engine optimizations
        } else {
                # Use standard SQL

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