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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Tent Licensing

From: Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Tent Licensing
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 14:39:55 +0200
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Dnia sobota, 29 września 2012 o 10:16:56 Ramana Kumar napisał(a):
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Rudolf <> wrote:
> > Are there other projects that use the agpl? Maybe ask them why
> > they chose it.
> > 
> > Could also argue in favour of the agpl by starting from user
> > freedom which seems to be the goal of the project.
> That is a good line of argument.
> In case I wasn't clear the first time, I need *other people* to
> post comments to the Tent folks. (That means you, dear reader.)
> This is because I don't think they would take kindly to more
> pestering from me, but if they see it's a larger issue than just
> one guy they might pay attention.

Okay, could anybody please explain to me why do we need Yet Another 
Social Network Protocol?

Instead of focusing on a bikeshedding issue[1] (as I believe the 
licensing for a new and still unused potentially libre social network 
is one indeed), I really do think we should rather focus on the big 
picture. And that is:

There is not libre, decentralized, federated social network that is 
actually a threat to walled gardens.

And here's why:
1. network effect
2. fragmentation on the libre side of things

ad.1.) that's something we can fight (as suggested in the other 
thread), once we tackle 2.

ad.2.) the first thing we can do to tackle this is agreeing on a 
single protocol.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania

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