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Re: Fix Lilypond Beaming GSOC Project

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: Re: Fix Lilypond Beaming GSOC Project
Date: Fri, 5 May 2023 09:16:07 -0600

Hi, Jason!

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 6:42 PM Jason Yip <> wrote:

> Hi Carl and fellow developers!
> I'm excited to work with all of you on Lilypond and hope that we can
> complete the project!
> I'll be quite busy with the end of my university semester and may have
> reduced communication until May 15th. But I'll be able to focus more on
> GSoC Bonding Period between the 16th and the start of the project.
I get the "quite busy" part of this.  I just finished a semester at the
University, and it was a very busy time due to grading.  I'll look forward
to being more involved with you after the 15th.

I have set up a Matrix account on  I don't have
your Matrix/Element username, so I haven't been able to initiate a
conversation with you.  Please either post your username, email your
username, or message me at

I've also investigated the use of Jitsi Meet, and I think I'm ready to use
that technology.  If you'd like to try it out during the bonding period, I
think it would be a good idea.

I'm happy to do anything I can to make your bonding period welcoming and
successful.  Please be in touch as you'd like; I don't want to pester you.



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