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Re: [Adonthell-general] danish translation

From: Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-general] danish translation
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 19:54:10 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.9a

>> I don't know what the Free Translation Project is.
> They ( are a group centered around GNU
Gettext that volunteers to translate Free Software. Similar to the
Fedora Translation Team, which is why I wouldn't want to register
Adonthell with both of them.
> In fact, I should have pointed anyone doing translation for Adonthell to
them first (as they can obviously make good use of new members too). But
it's been so long that I checked their website that I
> completely forgot about that. That's why French is listed as an
> "external translation" on their site for now:
> You're still free to join, if you like, of course.
>  In a way, they do the same as the Transifex package: they provide
> translators with up-to-date .pot files and notify package owners when a
translation is finished. Maybe not as fancy or convenient as
> Transifex' direct repository access, but it does it's job just fine :-).
That's nice !

So maybe, they are the ones who should run *THE* Transifex instance :)

This way, we would have the best of both worlds:
- an important community of high quality translators
- a nice app for them to concentrate on what they do best: translating,
and then automatically submitting to upstream

As I said, Transifex is not bound to Fedora. It was first develop by the
Fedora community and Fedora now runs it, but it quickly became an upstream
project that is only *used* by Fedora and it happens that some devs come
from the Fedora community. So this Free Translation Project might be the
best place to run it and gather translators from all over the world :]

>>>  What's missing yet, however, is a rule to install it, as
>>> I have no idea where it should go. Is there a standard location or
>>> does it differ by distribution? Is it the same for KDE and Gnome (not
>>> to speak about all the rest)?
>> That one is easy.
>If only it was :-).
I only said that finding the right locations was easy :D

I let to the devs the technical details about how to install the files in
these locations ^^

> It looks like provides two scripts
> to install .desktop files and icons: xdg-dektop-menu and
> xdg-icon-resource respectively. They were even present on my Ubuntu
> 7.10 and I assume you'd find them on any recent distro. Using those
> scripts frees you entirely of figuring out the proper path for a given
> Distro/Desktop combination. So far so good.
> The problem is, they do not integrate nicely with GNU autotools. For
> example, they don't honor the DESTDIR variable, making life difficult
> for package maintainers like you. There's already a bug report for
> that, so it might not be an issue in the future:
> So for now I am a little undecided whether to use those scripts or
> just put stuff into /usr/share/applications respectively
> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/apps/. Both seem to have their pros
> and cons.
Well... If it makes the life difficult for package maintainers, then those
two scripts should not be used (me ? lazy ? :D)

What I mean is that in the end, a program should be distributed and used.
If we want Waste's Edge to be used, it should be easy to install. And if
we want it to be easily installed, then we should leverage the work of the
package maintainers.

In fact, you also are a package maintainer as you provide the officiel
tar.gz (which is already a package ;).

So instead of using 2 scripts you only have to do a:
if [ -d /usr/share/applications ]; then
    install -p wastesedge.desktop /usr/share/applications
elif [ -d /usr/local/share/applications ]; then
    install -p wastesedge.desktop /usr/local/share/applications
    echo "oh my god, where will I install this file ??? o_O"

Then do it. Might not be as clean as using the scripts,
but at least, the application will build fine, will install fine, will run
fine, whether you build it from source or install from a binary package.

And when the bug is closed, then it will be easy to switch to the better


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
French Fedora Ambassador

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

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