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Re: [avr-gcc-list] ATmega8515 Interrupt Timing

From: Lars Noschinski
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] ATmega8515 Interrupt Timing
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 09:33:01 +0200
User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (Linux)

* User Tomdean <address@hidden> [2006-07-29 08:51]:
Sorry, this is long.

I am trying to match interrupt timimg to ATmega8515 cycles.  I am
trying to understand the timing and sources of jitter.  I have an
ATmega8515L with an external 8.000Mhz clock.

My test application has a loop of 4.751usec, or 38 instruction cycles.
The main loop has 4 instructions for 8 cycles.  The Isr has the
interrupt latency, *** unknown 1 cycle ***, a preamble of 8 cycles, 3
instructions for 6 cycles, a post-amble of 7 cycles and an rti of 4

The ISR can only trigger if the current instruction has completed. sbi,
cbi and rjmp take 2 cycles, so if the interrupt triggers, it must
possibly wait a whole additional cycle before it can be executed.

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