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Re: [Chicken-users] New string manipulation module

From: Nicholas Van Horn
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] New string manipulation module
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 09:55:32 -0500

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Dan Leslie <address@hidden> wrote:
Nice work, contributions are greatly appreciated. :)

Since you're asking for constructive feedback, two things come to mind:

It's a matter of taste, but IMHO it's schemier that descriptive-variable is preferable to desc-var, so in your case s-foo could easily be string-foo. However, I would drop the prefix altogether, as Chicken supports renaming on import. So string-foo would become foo and any prefixing is left up to the user of your library.

I'm not certain what you intended by 'official', but if you meant that you'd like to see it packaged with Chicken then perhaps you should consider switching the license to Chicken's license. Mind you, GPL3 eggs are happily accepted, but note that many folks won't touch them for various reasons. However, if this is a port of an elisp library then likely re-licensing is not an option.

I would love to package this under the BSD license, but as far as my limited knowledge is concerned, it seems that I must keep the GPL3 license of the original elisp package. If someone is aware of an alternative solution, please speak up and I'll change things accordingly.

Anyhow, thanks for the hard work and the contribution! And welcome to Chicken-land, come join us on IRC if you get a chance.

Thanks! It's been a joy working with the chicken community so far :)

- Nick

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