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Re: Retreive installed gnustep version

From: Michele Bert
Subject: Re: Retreive installed gnustep version
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 13:05:49 +0100

2013/11/7 Ivan Vučica <ivan@vucica.net>
Consider simply trying to uninstall the Debian (Ubuntu) packages.
Yes, it would be a good idea, but I do not know how much time I have tu spend on it, and since I am speaking about the work PC, it shouldn't be too much.

To me personally, having a way to discover a version would not help much, unless the Subversion revision is burned into the software along with the formal version such as 1.24.5.

Yes, I agree. Nothing really critic. But since I have a mixed environment, with some packets from the repository, and some other compiled by me from sources, I was surprised to find some of them in the wrong place.
In any case, I think gnustep packages (make to backend) came from repo, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to install other packages dependant on it (really it would be possible, but it is something I am not used to do).


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