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Re: Retreive installed gnustep version

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: Retreive installed gnustep version
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 14:33:36 +0100
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Michele Bert wrote:

2013/11/7 Ivan Vučica <ivan@vucica.net <mailto:ivan@vucica.net>>

    Consider simply trying to uninstall the Debian (Ubuntu) packages.

Yes, it would be a good idea, but I do not know how much time I have tu spend on it, and since I am speaking about the work PC, it shouldn't be too much.

    To me personally, having a way to discover a version would not
    help much, unless the Subversion revision is burned into the
    software along with the formal version such as 1.24.5.

Yes, I agree. Nothing really critic. But since I have a mixed environment, with some packets from the repository, and some other compiled by me from sources, I was surprised to find some of them in the wrong place. In any case, I think gnustep packages (make to backend) came from repo, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to install other packages dependant on it (really it would be possible, but it is something I am not used to do).
You can have two versions installed, it comes to a small mess.

I also wonder that you say you have certain apps built from sources against original Debian (Ubuntu uses those) packages, they are so old, most apps don't run against them (gui version problems with Gorm files, mostly).

Di dyou install perhaps Philippe's packages? or did a further mix?

I don't install from sources an application into the system, I don't know where it would end and especially if the bundle would be split up like the official ones do.

You could search for "appname". You should fins the binary inside the app bundle and you wil lprobaby find the shell script debian installs. Then quuery dpkg for the file ownership.

I think that if you by mistake installed the same stuff twice, one the package, one from source, you end up with a mess.


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