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Re: [DotGNU]Licensing question.

From: Stephen Compall
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]Licensing question.
Date: 16 Oct 2004 15:13:53 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

"Raven" <address@hidden> writes:

> I've written a toolkit/framework and an application based on that
> framework. Both are written in C#. They use .NET services like
> "System.Drawing", "System.Windows.Forms" etc.
> 3. My question is: if I use DotGNU to make my toolkit/framework and
> my application work under Linux, do they fall in the category of the
> above-mentioned "independent module" ?? Can I freely use dotGNU to
> adapt {Windows/.NET closed-source, commercial applications} to run
> under Linux??? Are there any limitations??
> Answer to this question is very important for me and my development
> team... so please give a reply or redirect me to another place where
> I could ask my question.

The simplest answer is: consider that what you can legally do with
DotGNU Portable .NET is a superset of what you can legally do with

Stephen Compall or s11 or sirian

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Dim Sum, n.:
        Chinese for more food than you've ever seen in your entire life.

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