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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Daily page vs. project page

From: Jody Klymak
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Daily page vs. project page
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 09:35:17 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (darwin)

Hi all,

address@hidden writes:

> #A1 _     Get Coffee
> #A2 _ [-] PayBills
> #A1 _     > Electric bill
> #A2 _     > Water bill
> #A3 _     > PhoneBill
> #A1 _       > Home
> #A2 _       > Business
> #A3 _       > Cell
> #A0 X     > Cable bill
> This view immediately tells me that:
>  - Paying bills is my 2nd task to work on today
>  - The Electric is the most important
>  - The cable bill has been paid
>  - All of the phone bills need to be paid, and the home phone bill
>    is the most important of these.

Yes, but collapsed it tells you almost nothing except you have bills
to pay.  I don't know about you, but for me this would be a constant
entry.  The urgency of any particular bill would be hidden.  So in
order for this to be useful, you'd have to have it uncollapsed all the
time.  In which case, I'd argue that *not* using subtasks would be a
lot more elegant:

> #A1 _ Get Coffee
> #A2 _ Electric bill (PayBills)
> #A3 _ Home phone bill (PayBills)

on your page a week before those bills are due.  Add more bills to the
task list in the PayBills project page as necessary.  

> This also shows that prioritization is relative to context.  An #A1 
> priority in one subtask should not necessarilly get equal listing as 
> an #A1 top-level task.

Sure, and from the above I have no idea if your cell bill is due
before or after your cable bill.  I can guess that a Phone bill of
some sort is due first, but its pretty ambiguous which.  

How would dates be honoured under such a system?  If the date for a
subtask comes up but not for the other subtasks would you just
display that subtask for that day?  Or the whole parent task?  

I deal with subtasks by creating a note on the project page.  For
instance I now have:

#A2  _ Do things in RevelleLog#19 {{Tasks:113}} (RevelleLog)

and in RevelleLog:

.#19 Two d spectra 11:13 ([[2004.04.01#5]])

Rob intrigued by assymetry: Todo?
1) bandsmooth and see whats in the higher wavenumber stuff..
  - what is the shape of this and why is it not white?  Have I
  induced this with my correlation methods?  THIS IS THE MAJOR TODO
2) Pricipal axis of shear? Not sure what to make of that
3) up and down spectra?  - Don't seem that useful.  But I may not
have done the co-eff correctly.  
4) Do spectra over time windows (daily?) see if character changes?
5) What is ratio of u/v with f?  [[bbdb://Jen.*MacKinnon][Jen]] mentioned this
6) What is dispersion relation for M2?
[[bbdb://Jen.*MacKinnon][Jen]] mentioned this.  

Clearly I wouldn't want this todo list in my task list.  

Just my $0.02.  Sacha *could* make planner into as sophisticated a
project-manager as she wants, but I am curious when the point of
diminishing returns is reached.

Cheers,  Jody

Jody Klymak      http://opg1.ucsd.edu/~jklymak/

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