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[emacs-wiki-discuss] emacs-wiki-blog: what's that ?

From: Xavier Maillard
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] emacs-wiki-blog: what's that ?
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 01:41:48 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)


First, I would like to congratulate all the people involved in
this marvelous mode.

I just (re)discovered tonight and, wow !!!!!!!

Second, I have seen that there was something called
emacs-wiki-blog.el on the Internet. Question, what does it do ?
Here I tried it and it didn't work. Is this related to the
journaling feature from emacs-wiki ?

Regards and bravo for such a cool and neat package.

P.S: same congratulations go to Sacha for planner.el which I also
tried again tonight. I am astonished I didn't use it that more
before :)
GnusFR  (http://www.gnusfr.org)
EmacsFR (http://www.emacsfr.org)

.emacs: Because customisation is fun!

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