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Re: [fluid-dev] glib crash

From: R.L. Horn
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] glib crash
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:49:09 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (LNX 1167 2008-08-23)

On Mon, 19 Aug 2013, Element Green wrote:

I've often found that the glib memory slice subsystem can be sensitive to memory corruption. It could be that there is some other unrelated memory corruption going on which is causing this.

In that case I'd expect a segfault before anything could intrude on instruction space. File corruption seems a more likely suspect.

I still think GCC is simply generating an instruction that the build system knows about and the host doesn't, though it's hard to imagine what that would be (pclmulqdq?). Obviously, it would help enormously if we knew exactly what triggered the SIGILL.

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