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[freesci-develop] Concerning C416: No sound on Mac OS X

From: Matt
Subject: [freesci-develop] Concerning C416: No sound on Mac OS X
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 09:53:18 -0700

I just finished a 3 day FreeSCI and SDL debugging state. I now know why by default OS X users do not have sound (independent of the ADLIBEMU flag).

I noticed that the SDL_Init on the audio was failing. Checking SDL it looked like SDL was calling some older, with limitations, sound functions (we call them 'Carbon' as they work as well as on OS 9, the old Mac platform generation, as on OS X, the NextStep platform). I started to think that the sound issue was due to using these Carbon functions until I got the sample SDL sound utility to work.

Checking step by step why the SDL audio init function failed during the FreeSCI initialization (by just initializing SDL audio during several stages of the initialization) showed me that FreeSCI was not using the SDL sound server but the unix sound server.

Basically in config.c the default pcmout_driver gets set by pcmouf_find_driver(NULL) which returns the SDL one, about 5 lines down the default sound server driver is defaulted by sound_server_find_driver(NULL).

The first pcmout driver is pcmout_driver_sdl, the first sound server driver is sound_server_unix. The SDL audio init inside the unix sound server fails.

The easiest way is just to start the FreeSCI with sound support is "-S sdl". I tried this (with -Madlibemu) and I am enjoying now Space Quest 3 with sound. FreeSCI rocks!

The readme mentions that the SDL sound driver is the default driver:
>- sound_server: FreeSCI has different ways to handle the concurrent processing of sound output. They are:
>  * sdl: A threaded SDL sound server
 > * unix: A forked-off sound server
> Generally, the sdl sound server (default) should provide better performance, if available.

Would it be possible to correct the default sound server driver in sound.c, so move the sound_server_sdl above the sound_server_unix?

In the freesci 0.3.4a release I noticed a lot of DREAMCAST comments, in the latest cvs snapshot I do not see these anymore in sound.c, is it the goal to move the ifdefs out of the sound.c and so on or is this just an archiving/merging issue?

Also, I noticed that the latest overnight builds were breaking on mkdir, is there a fix for this already planned or can anyone submit a fix to the build system?



I would not mind submitting the above SDL sound server change, I just want to make sure everyone would be ok with this.

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