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Re: [freesci-develop] State of Glutton on Win32

From: James Albert
Subject: Re: [freesci-develop] State of Glutton on Win32
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 17:21:02 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.4.1 (Windows/20051006)

So long as I can figure out how to get it to compile in VCC, there will be support for VCC in the glutton release. I'd just like MingW as an alternative, since it's conforms to a newer standard and is theoretically more in tune with the linux developers.

However, my luck with devcpp was awful. None of my existing libraries seem to be compatible with it, and the error messages I'm getting are far from helpful. Since it compiles without error in MSVC, I can only guess that it's a problem with my compiler setup. I'll keep testing things, but somebody who's more familiar with MingW then me will probably have to add support for it.

My current progress seems good. Either one of the recent changes or just some different compiler settings, but QFG2 KQ1, and a slew of other games are running fine for me in Win32 now.

Of course there's bugs, here they are:

- The hallways in QFG2 have a bug which I'm sure is related to either the priority or aux buffer drawing code - about half way down a hallway ego hit's an invisible wall - trying to leave the hallway you encounter another invisible wall. Also, this wall corresponds exactly with a line drawn on the visual buffer.

- FreeSCI uses interpreter version 1.000.087 for KQ1, which crashes freesci or sends it into an error loop. By removing SCIV and the other files that freesci uses to determine the interpreter version, freesci uses 0.000.999 for KQ1. The game will load, but encounters the same bugs as in the stable release using this version.

- KQ4 does not load, and always tries to use version 0.000.502

(note: there's an option listed in the readme files for forcing FreeSCI to use a particular interpreter version. FreeSCI will read the version, but doesn't seem to be honoring it in glutton as a few lines later it displays what version it is using)

- Colonel's Bequest and Camelot seem to be fine. I still need to test it with Jones in the fast lane though.

- Save game support is busted, but I could never get it working in the stable release anyway. If it's *supposed* to work, then let me know because it might be a Win32 specific issue.

- I still have to figure out exactly what compiler settings work best, but right now I'm just using the "optimize for speed" setting. The debug binaries don't work because of some heap and pointer related errors. Also, most of the games I tries crash after an extended period with an error of something like "object xxx was removed from memory but not from the heap". I'll try to get the exact message, but I couldn't reproduce the problem when I tried right now.

Also, thank you all for the new sound driver. I've used MUNT in the past (I have the MT32 ROM's) and while the sound was good, it was choppy because of the emulation overhead. The new PCM output just ROCKS! I personally like the old school output better anyway, and I still hear the various waves - like the genie laughing in the QFG2 intro.

If anybody can't get it to compile for Win32 and would like binaries, send me an e-mail at address@hidden and I'll mail my latest copy to you.

By the way, who added the purify tools for Win32 and does anybody know how it works?

- Jim Albert :-)

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