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Re: [freesci-develop] State of Glutton on Win32

From: Christoph Reichenbach
Subject: Re: [freesci-develop] State of Glutton on Win32
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 15:34:12 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i


On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 05:21:02PM -0400, James Albert wrote:
> - The hallways in QFG2 have a bug which I'm sure is related to either 
> the priority or aux buffer drawing code - about half way down a hallway 
> ego hit's an invisible wall - trying to leave the hallway you encounter 
> another invisible wall.  Also, this wall corresponds exactly with a line 
> drawn on the visual buffer.

  I've noticed that, too. No idea why that is, though. Meaning that, at least,
this is not Win32 specific.

> - FreeSCI uses interpreter version 1.000.087 for KQ1, which crashes 
> freesci or sends it into an error loop.  By removing SCIV and the other 
> files that freesci uses to determine the interpreter version, freesci 
> uses 0.000.999 for KQ1.  The game will load, but encounters the same 
> bugs as in the stable release using this version.

  No idea what the issue here is either, ATM.

> - KQ4 does not load, and always tries to use version 0.000.502

  Yes. That's a bug in the version detection code. I have an untested patch
lying around here which disallows RESOURCE.063 (theoretically the highest
possible resource file) in SCI0 but should work properly in all other cases
(it is mildly slower, though I don't expect this to be noticeable).

> (note:  there's an option listed in the readme files for forcing FreeSCI 
> to use a particular interpreter version.  FreeSCI will read the version, 
> but doesn't seem to be honoring it in glutton as a few lines later it 
> displays what version it is using)

  Right, same bug.


> - Save game support is busted, but I could never get it working in the 
> stable release anyway.  If it's *supposed* to work, then let me know 
> because it might be a Win32 specific issue.

  Glutton has no save game support at the moment. We were waiting for GC to be
implemented, in order to be able to build "minimal" savegames (you can use the
"live heap" property for a minimal call stack to do that). We now have GC, but
I don't think I'll get around to add savegames before the release.

> errors.  Also, most of the games I tries crash after an extended period 
> with an error of something like "object xxx was removed from memory but 
> not from the heap".  I'll try to get the exact message, but I couldn't 
> reproduce the problem when I tried right now.

  Walter's last committ should have fixed that.

> The new PCM output just ROCKS!  I personally like the old school output 
> better anyway, and I still hear the various waves - like the genie 
> laughing in the QFG2 intro.

  If you want to go really old-school: We also have Tandy-3 and PC Speaker
drivers, though you need to change the source code to select those ;-)

-- Christoph

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