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Re: [Devel] Getting original stream for an FT_Face?

From: Leonard Rosenthol
Subject: Re: [Devel] Getting original stream for an FT_Face?
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 13:59:10 -0800

At 10:29 PM +0100 12/30/03, David Turner wrote:
I'd like to avoid re-reading/streaming the data, in favor of keeping it in memory longer. Do I need to maintain my own wrappers for this or can FT be easily extended to "cache" the stream?

What do you need to do exactly ? Can't you do that by using a custom stream instead ?

        Using the font data from an FT_Face for embedding in a PDF (or PS).

On Windows or Unix it's not such a big deal, since I can keep around either the pathname to the file OR the memory blob I got from the OS...

On the Mac, however, this isn't possible due to the complexity of the resources and variety of formats, etc. I've considered re-architecting ftmac.c in order to expose a variety of new APIs/interfaces that would enable me to do what I need - but I was hoping that was a last resort.

But I guess since I'm the maintainer of that code anyway, I can do what I want... [now to see if I remember my CVS passwords ;)]

        Unless you have any other suggestions...

Leonard Rosenthol                            <mailto:address@hidden>
Chief Technical Officer                      <>
PDF Sages, Inc.                              215-629-3700 (voice)
                                             215-629-0789 (fax)

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