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[Fsfe-uk] Re: BBC Article about Linux SCO and Copyrights - BBCcalls for

From: PFJ
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Re: BBC Article about Linux SCO and Copyrights - BBCcalls for statements (fwd)]
Date: 5 Sep 2003 11:11:29 +0100


> > > What did you write? Not "Whoever wrote this pile of streaming crap
> > > needs educating - possibly with the aid of a spade..." I assume?
> > 
> > That sounds like something I would have said at that time (IIRC, it
> > had been rough going for me at that time and was not in any mood to
> > bandy words - not always a good idea...)
> Have you considered you're doing more damage than good for FLOSS with
> your attempts at preaching its benefits?

Anyone who tries to convince the benefits of one system over another can
be accused of this, simply by people saying "ignore him when he talks
about <insert here> - he doesn't understand that <insert personal
reason>" and from there on, a person can be branded a zealot.

I'm not trying to be evasive with that answer, it just happens to be the
case (seemingly).

> Then there was your recent failure to `not feed' the very obvious troll
> on the uk.comp.os.linux newsgroup despite prodding privately by several
> people;  that led to the troll hassling your employer which wasn't
> pleasant for you or them.

I'd rather not discuss that here, suffice to say we have all learned by
the experience and benefits have come out of it.

> As I see it, Ian's has politely pointed out that a calm, reasoned,
> approach is required;  one that listens to the position of the other
> side and attempts to understand.  Your response in defending your
> initial post was along the lines of `they're so thick, using Microsoft,
> shouting is necessary to get the message through'.  That simply fails;
> you're telling the person he's a complete idiot for not doing it your
> superior way.

I am not saying that a person is thick for using one OS over another or
that they're an idiot for doing so. There may be really good reasons for
it. When things become particulary incomprehensible (to me, and possibly
others) is when you have a situation now that for a large wodge of what
can be done on Windows the same task can be equally well achieved under
Linux, but without the virus attacks, gaping security holes and all the
other fun and games which the average Windows user unwittingly lets
themselves in for by not at least looking at alternatives.

> But please, do FLOSS a favour, and stop giving 'the typical
> response of a Linux user' that the article complains of; it sets us
> back.

I quite agree, however, my response was not that of a typical linux
user. It could equally have come from anyone who had also looked deeper
than what the article said, irrespective of their prefered OS. People
confuse GNU and FSF with Linux and misunderstand the concepts behind it,
therefore it's easy to see why the article would say what it did about
the typical Linux user.

> Hopefully one of the things FSFE can do is to steer people who want to
> lobby their employer or local company about FLOSS's benefits in the
> right direction, including notes, printed material, and `what not to
> do'.

And I'm glad to say, it's working. I know of a few schools in Salford
and Haydock who are turning their backs on Microsoft after seeing the
massive financial benefits of using free software on a non MS machine.



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Free your mind to a choice of applications which you can control
Free your mind from the closed world of those who seek total power
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