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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Free Software Magazine got cheaper

From: Andrew Savory
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Free Software Magazine got cheaper
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 10:15:08 +0000


On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Lee Braiden wrote:

The only time you need corporate-style
finances and resources is when you choose to be a top-down distribution and enforcement organisation. To me, that's not what free software is about.

This is a common misconception about free software: that it can be developed for free, and that there are little or no costs in it. Sure, some small projects can be handled in free time, but real software requires real paid-for hours. How you choose to hide that cost is up to you, but it's foolish to pretend it isn't there.

On 12 Mar 2005, at 20:04, Jason Clifford wrote:

The magazine is not software. It's a different form of product.

In order to happen there are costs that have to be paid -
writing, production and distribution cost real money. Even if you base the
magazine on gratis article submissions you have to edit, typeset and
layout the magazine. Then you have to pay for the print run and shipping
costs for the magazine or hosting and bandwidth for the online version.

... costs that have to be paid exist in software, too. Analysis, design, development, testing, QA, documentation, packaging, distribution. Whether you choose to burn it to CD or send it out via the internet, there's still costs involved. With magazines the cost is loaded at the distribution end; with software it's the production end.


Andrew Savory, Managing Director, Luminas Limited
Tel: +44 (0)870 741 6658  Fax: +44 (0)700 598 1135
Web: http://www.luminas.co.uk/
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