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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Online book for usability

From: Matthew Dempsky
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Online book for usability
Date: 24 Jun 2004 19:23:06 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Pierce T.Wetter III <address@hidden> writes:

>   So then we try to learn how to do everything at once, rather then
> incrementally. Whereupon we hit the wall, because while
> using/understanding arch for a single user is easy, for multiple users
> (most CVS users) its much harder. You might argue that's because you
> have to really understand revision control. That's not true. I already
> understand revision control, its arch I don't understand with respect
> to multiple archives/branches/mirrors and how all that relates to my
> work.

I don't believe that.

Before learning to use arch, my sole cvs usage revolved around
download the latest versions of free software.  I'd tried several
times to learn how to get into the swing of cvs, but I never figured
out how to setup a project and, frankly, now I don't care to.

In all fairness, I failed setting up arch the first time too, but I
figured out how to get my own arch archive working before I deciphered
the texts on how to setup a pserver locally.

The reason cvs users have a hard time when they switch to arch isn't
because arch is so much harder -- it's because they're expecting it to
work the same as cvs.

If you want to use a tool effectively, you have to adapt to how it's
intended to be used.  Following Tom's analogy on tools, you might hear
a nail gun is more effective than a hammer at nailing things together,
but don't expect to get very far trying to smash the nails in with it.

If you're not willing to adapt, then you should follow the advice Tom
has given to people contemplating a switch before -- if you're not
willing to put in the time to learn, don't switch.  It'll just slow
you down.


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