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Re: [rgui-dev] API Time

From: Tom Sawyer
Subject: Re: [rgui-dev] API Time
Date: 23 Aug 2002 16:50:36 -0600

fyi - the yaml is just goign to look a bit odd at first b/c your not
used to it. at least that's been my experience. give it about an hour or
so of galncing abck to it every now and then. after a while it starts to
look much clearer.

the main thing to realize about yaml vs. xml, is that yaml understands
types and structures, and xml does not. for xml everything is a string
in a mapping structure (sort of a dual mapping, one for attributes and
another for child elements)

now everything being a string dosen't bother me, i actually prefer it in
some manners when it comes to direct human interfacing with the markup.
but the limitation of the dual mapping structure (ie the attributed tree
hiearchy) is a little more frustrating. there are places where your data
structure is an array, and that just doesn't fit too well into xml.

funny, when you compare yaml synatx to xml syntax, and then consider
ruby code itself. i kind of like the ruby code best of all. :-)


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