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Re: flex beta 2.5.22 released

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: flex beta 2.5.22 released
Date: 11 Oct 2002 15:42:08 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

>>>>> "W" == W L Estes <address@hidden> writes:

W> On Friday, 11 October 2002,15:13 +0200, Akim Demaille wrote:
>> I don't get it: your suite runs properly, so what is the problem
>> with my patch?

W> Ultimately, all the programs in the test suite should be
W> check_PROGRAMS, and I should the automake testsuite facilities,
W> right?  (I believe the automake manual refers to this is a "simple
W> test suite".)

Correct, but that's not mandatory.  It's better, agreed.

W> I'm right with you on this one. I'd rather the ChangeLog be more
W> usefule as opposed to less useful. flex has one now so it's all
W> ok. If I can make it easier for people within reason, I will.

Excellent decision :)  Please, remove asap the ChangeLog target!

W> tests/TEMPLATE/ contains files for making tests for the test
W> suite. It does not contain a test which should be run. So I'd like
W> to have automake avoid doing anything in there except for dist and
W> distdir, etc. Am I doing this the right way?

Ah!  OK, I missed the fact that it was not in SUBDIRS.  Now I see :)

Well, you should always go for the easiest: if I were you, I'd simply
put it into SUBDIRS, and filter it from the check-local target.

>> I'm acheiving that make check fails when the test suite fails.

W> Is that what automake expects? 

Of course!!!  Not automake, any `make check'!

You also don't want `make distcheck' to pass on a failure!

W> In my way of thinking, if the test suite ran but some of the tests
W> failed, that's not a make failure. (If this is covered in the
W> automake manual, just point to me to the section I should read.)

That's not related to Automake, that's broader.

W> Ok, I'll try, but I remember having bad luck with this.

Trust me :)  You're line serves _nothing_.

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