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[Help-gnunet] Extractor-related problems

From: Markku Tavasti
Subject: [Help-gnunet] Extractor-related problems
Date: 16 Oct 2003 07:57:59 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

I grabbed latest libextractor (0.2.5) and gnunet (0.6.0a). Compiled &
installed them. Extractor with "./configure --prefix=...; make ; make
install" and gnunet with "./configure --prefix=... --with-extractor=...; 
make ; make install"

In gnunet.conf I haven't touched extractor settings, so they are:
EXTRACTORS = libextractor_filename:-libextractor_split:-libextractor_lower

Then I tried to insert some content. I selected one directory of ogg's
and one directory of mp3's:

# gnunet-insert -n -p 1000 -rb ogg_directory_name mp3_directory_name

I left command running when left home, and I know it was finished
(after several hours), but don't know about error messages since during
power break UPS shut down my computer before I got back home.

1) Complain missing

2) For mp3 insertion was successfull, I can find files with search,
and even with keyword 'Bandname' it it is capitalized. But for those
ogg-files, I can't find them, not with filetype or Bandname or full
directory name. And it looks like there is no libextractor_ogg, should
there be? 

Any ideas what to do to get libextractor_lower and ibextractor_ogg? Or
anything else to fix? 

M. Tavasti /  address@hidden  /   +358-40-5078254

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