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Re: List Unsubscribed Groups Matching a Pattern

From: Joel Reicher
Subject: Re: List Unsubscribed Groups Matching a Pattern
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 06:45:59 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

bazad <nobody@noreply.not> writes:

> > Verify that .newsrc.eld is now very large.
> I followed the instructions above and it did not work.
> I added the following text to my ~/.gnus.el file:
> (setq gnus-read-active-file t)
> (setq gnus-save-killed-list t)
> (setq gnus-check-new-newsgroups t)
> I saw that gnus spent some time loading active file from nntp server.
> I also observed that it spent some time after the file got loaded.  If
> .newsrc.eld is big and it takes a long time to proces it, when
> application starts, I prefer a samller size.  I don't subscribe to
> groups that much anymore.

Recall that your original question was being able to list unsubscribed
groups matching a pattern (as the subject line says). You need a local
copy of groups to search over to do this easily.

You don't need to worry about having a large .newsrc.eld in my
opinion. On my trusty old 486 100MHz it ploughs through the file in no
time at all. I can almost guarantee any slowness you observe is from
downloading the entire active file, and subsequent processing on it,
both due to the read active file and check new newsgroups settings
above, which I said would be temporary.

I'm very surprised what I described didn't work, however. Are you
absolutely sure? How big was .newsrc.eld when you were done
(i.e. after you had quit)? Somewhere between 600k and 1MB is what I
would expect for a complete list of groups.

If it's not somewhere in that range (or larger) then things haven't
worked, but I'll need more information to help further.

Incidentally, I might have found an easier way to do all this.

C-u C-u M-x gnus-find-new-newsgroups

from the group buffer might be all you need, regardless of how you
have gnus set up. So perhaps set everything back to normal and try
that. According to the docs this *will* bring new groups in as
zombies, and you should only need to do it once.


        - Joel

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