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Re: GDP: LSR and @commonprop

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: GDP: LSR and @commonprop
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 15:36:21 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071022)

John Mandereau wrote:
Le jeudi 06 décembre 2007 à 14:57 +0100, Valentin Villenave a écrit :
2007/12/6, Graham Percival <address@hidden>:
AFAIK, most of the @commonprop aren't translated anyway, so this isn't
really a regression.
??? I don't understand. In the former User Manual, we used to
translate everything we could, didn't we?

In the _former_ User Manual. The GDP docs are significantly different, and you haven't even started translating the new tutorial yet. (since it's not officially finished yet).

I expect it'll be about a year until you should usefully worry about translating the snippets, since there's so much more material in the rest of the docs. And the main doc text is more important than the snippets.

Yes, we did.  If we go this way moving many stuff to LSR (which I fully
agree), we *must* i18n LSR.  I volunteer to help with this during my
Christmas vacation, if Sebastiano accepts to make this big change to
LSR.  I guess this is not trivial work, so it might take a couple of
weeks to achieve this.  Sebastiano, what do you think?

For the purpose of evaluating how much time/effort you have, I would assume that Sebastiano is too busy to help. As I stated above, I don't think that this is the highest-priority item floating around... but it's your time, of course. It's completely up to you how you spend it.
FWIW, I've added this to the GDP technical todo list.

(it's my nature to be pessimistic about the amount of extra help, and the difficulty of any task. So far I haven't been disappointed. :)

- Graham

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