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Re: Define French as a separate input language (issue 288290043 by addre

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Define French as a separate input language (issue 288290043 by address@hidden)
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 23:07:43 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Francisco Vila <address@hidden> writes:

> 2016-02-28 22:01 GMT+01:00  <address@hidden>:
>> Thanks.  I really think we are better off without "francais".  I think
>> the original motivation of "espanol" was to avoid trouble with loading
>> "españ" (which would have been the original interface to languages)
>> system-independently.
> I vote for keeping 'espanol' because it is easier to type (I guess)
> for non-Spanish keyboards and Spanish note names do not need UTF-8.

"espanol" was not being discussed.  At any rate, Is there any spoken
language _other_ than Spanish that would employ Spanish note names?

> Also, I would keep 'francais' despite of the Français language itself
> needing UTF-8 just from a sense of near-zero harm, near-zero
> performance/memory penalty, if any.

It's not a question of "keeping" it.  The patch was _adding_ it.
LilyPond is large enough as it stands without adding stuff nobody needs.
I haven't seen a single reason why anyone would be wanting to use
"francais" for specifying a notename language that calls d "ré".

> Or, rather maybe keeping it is near-zero sense, I don't know.

Do you have a rationale why anyone would be missing "francais" as an
alias for the _new_ notename language using "do ré mi..." as note names?

David Kastrup

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