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RE: Shifting a markup

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: RE: Shifting a markup
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:53:37 -0000


One way is to use the \mark command.  This is normally used
for rehearsal marks, and the key point is that it is
positioned relative to the barline.  The horizontal
adjustment can be varied from left-aligned to right-aligned
by setting self-alignment-X.  Left-aligned is -1,
right-aligned +1.  Any value inbetween may be specified.  I
found a value of -0.2 was about right:

  c c c c
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X =
  \mark \markup {
    \smaller \note #"2" #1 "=" \smaller \note #"2." #1
  c c c c

Don't forget RehearsalMark is in the Score context by


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
On Behalf Of Alasdair McAndrew
Sent: 13 January 2008 04:22
To: address@hidden
Subject: Shifting a markup

I have a time change (from 6/2 to 9/4), and at the time
change I have the markup:

\markup {
  \smaller \note #"2" #1 "=" \smaller \note #"2." #1

above the first note in the new time signature.  But I'd
like to shift the entire markup to the left and up (ideally,
I'd like the = sign to sit over the bar line between the two
times).  My attempts to move the markup have resulted in the
three symbols being printed over each other.

What is the correct way of doing such a shift?  I'm using
version 2.10.33, but I shall upgrade to version 2.11 when
I'm back at work in eight days, and can afford to download
large files!  Or is there a smallish patch to upgrade
2.10.33 to 2.11. 37?


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