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Re: Note collision without stems

From: James Bailey
Subject: Re: Note collision without stems
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 20:11:19 +0100

I assume you *want* the two heads merged into one. since as it is, there is no collision. The easy way is to force them together.

I always look in the learning manual for this solution, because I can never remember how to move noteheads, since I do it so rarely. It's in 4.5.3 Real music example. It's a godsend, as far as I'm concerned.
\version "2.12.2"

%%No collision
<<\clef bass {c1( d4)}\\{c1(b,4)}>>
<<{c'1( d'4)}\\{c'1(b4)}>>

%%With collision
<<\clef bass {c1( d4)}\\{\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-.5 c1(b,4)}>> <<{c'1( d'4)}\\{\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.5 c'1 (b4)}>>

On 29.12.2009, at 19:28, Alberto Simões wrote:


voiceA = \relative c {
     c1( d4)
voiceB = \relative c {
     c1( b4)

voice = { << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> }

On 29/12/2009 18:16, James Bailey wrote:
Can you provide a short example that shows the collision? I'm having
difficult imagining how to get such a collision, and then how to correct

On 29.12.2009, at 19:06, Alberto Simões wrote:

Dear all,

Can't find a solution to hide one of the two whole notes that are
colliding. The only option I find is to substitute one by a space (s1),
but if I do that I lose the tie connecting it to the next note.

Any hint?
(I can put the score online if that helps understanding the problem).


On 27/12/2009 18:55, Alberto Simões wrote:

How can I remove a collision of two whole notes (semibreve)?
I tried

But none works. That's natural, as the notes are not dotted, and have
the same head. :)

I am still searching in the manual, but if anybody knows this from head,
thank you :)


Alberto Simões

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