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Re: More post-divisi oddities

From: Vaughan McAlley
Subject: Re: More post-divisi oddities
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 18:14:37 +1000

On 6 July 2013 05:15, Guy Stalnaker <address@hidden> wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> Thanks for your replies.
> Vaughan,
> Your attachment was filtered out as a binary file by my email server.
> The archives also shows it as a .bin file so I cannot 'see'
> what you've done. If you would, please attach it as a reply to this
> email.

I just attached with Gmail (via the web page). I suspect unfamiliar
extensions like .ly get interpreted as binary rather than text.
Anyway, here it is in the message body...


\version "2.16.2"
\language "english"

\header {
  title = "Post-Divisi Piano Reduction stem/rest collisions"

global = {
  \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
  \key bf \major
  \time 3/4
  \tempo 4 = 110
  \clef "treble"

sopranoOneTPP = {
  ef''  d''4 c'' |
  bf'2 r4 \bar "||" \time 4/4
  << { \tag #'score { \voiceOne } d''1 ^~ | d''1 }
     \new Voice = "sopOneDiv" { \tag #'score { \voiceTwo } r1 | a''1  }
  \tag #'score { \oneVoice }
  \bar "||"
  \key g \major \tempo  4 = 95
  d''2 e''4 g''  |
  fs''2. r4 |
  e''4 d'' c'' b' |
  a' r4 r2 |
  r2 a''4 r4 |
  g''2  d''4 b' |
  c'' b' a' b' |


sopranoOneNoTPP = {
  ef''  d''4 c'' |
  bf'2 r4 \bar "||" \time 4/4
  d''1 _~ | d''1 \bar "||"
  \key g \major \tempo  4 = 95
  d''2 e''4 g''  |
  fs''2. r4 |
  e''4 d'' c'' b' |
  a' r4 r2 |
  r2 a''4 r4 |
  g''2  d''4 b' |
  c'' b' a' b' |


sopranoTwoTPP = {

  c''8 r8 bf'8 r8 a'8 r8 |
  f'4 f' r4 | \time 4/4
    { \tag #'score { \voiceOne } r2 a'2 _~ | a'1 }
    \new Voice = "sopTwoDiv" { \tag #'score { \voiceTwo } r4 c''2. ^~ | c''1 }
    \tag #'score { \oneVoice }

  \key g \major
  g'4 r8 g'8 g' a' b' ( c'' ) |
  d''2. d''4 |
  c''4 b' a' g' |
  a'8 b' c'' d'' ef''2 ~ |
  ef''2. r4 |
  b' b' b' d'' |
  a' b' c'' d'' |


sopranoTwoNoTPP = {

  c''8 r8 bf'8 r8 a'8 r8 |
  f'4 f' r4 | \time 4/4
  r2 a'2 ~ | a'1 |
  \key g \major
  g'4 r8 g'8 g' a' b' ( c'' ) |
  d''2. d''4 |
  c''4 b' a' g' |
  a'8 b' c'' d'' ef''2 ~ |
  ef''2. r4 |
  b' b' b' d'' |
  a' b' c'' d'' |


altoOneTPP = {
  g'8 r8 f'8 r8 ef'8 r8 |
  d'4 d' r4 | \time 4/4
  r2 r4 fs'4 ~|
  fs'1 | \key g \major
  b'4 b' c'' a'  |
  b'2. r4 |
  g' fs' e' e'  |
  fs' r r
  << { \tag #'score { \voiceOne } s4 | a'2. }
     \new Voice = "altoOneDiv" { \tag #'score { \voiceTwo } c''4 ^~ | c''2 }
  >> \oneVoice
  r4 |
  d'2 e'4 e' |
  e' f' fs' g'4 |


altoOneNoTPP = {
  g'8 r8 f'8 r8 ef'8 r8 |
  d'4 d' r4 | \time 4/4
  r2 r4 fs'4 ~|
  fs'1 | \key g \major
  b'4 b' c'' a'  |
  b'2. r4 |
  g' fs' e' e'  |
  fs' r r r |
  a'2. r4 |
  d'2 e'4 e' |
  e' f' fs' g'4 |


altoTwoTPP =  {
  ef'8 r8 f'8 r8 f8 r8 |
  bf4 bf r | \time 4/4
  r1 |
  d'1 | \key g \major
  g'4 g' f' f' |
  e'2. r4 |
  a4 b c' cs'  |
  d' r4 r2 |
  << { \tag #'score { \voiceOne } r2 d'4 }
     \new Voice = "altoTwoDiv" { \tag #'score { \voiceTwo } r4 fs'2 }
  >> \tag #'score {  \oneVoice }
  r4 |
  g r gs r |
  a r d' g |


altoTwoNoTPP =  {
  ef'8 r8 f'8 r8 f8 r8 |
  bf4 bf r | \time 4/4
  r1 |
  d'1 | \key g \major
  g'4 g' f' f' |
  e'2. r4 |
  a4 b c' cs'  |
  d' r4 r2 |
  r2 d'4 r4 |
  g r gs r |
  a r d' g |


sopranoIStaffTPP = {
  \new Staff { \sopranoOneTPP }
sopranoIIStaffTPP= {
  \new Staff { \sopranoTwoTPP }
altoIStaffTPP = {
  \new Staff { \altoOneTPP }
altoIIStaffTPP = {
  \new Staff { \altoTwoTPP }

sopranoIStaffNoTPP = {
  \new Staff { \sopranoOneNoTPP }
sopranoIIStaffNoTPP = {
  \new Staff { \sopranoTwoNoTPP }
altoIStaffNoTPP = {
  \new Staff { \altoOneNoTPP }
altoIIStaffNoTPP = {
  \new Staff { \altoTwoNoTPP }

pianoReductionTPP = \new PianoStaff \with {
  fontSize = #-1
  \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -1)
} <<
  \new Staff \with {
    \consists "Mark_engraver"
    \consists "Metronome_mark_engraver"
    \remove "Staff_performer"
  } {
    #(set-accidental-style 'piano)
      \removeWithTag #'score { \sopranoOneTPP }
      \removeWithTag #'score { \sopranoTwoTPP }
  \new Staff \with {
    \remove "Staff_performer"
  } {
    #(set-accidental-style 'piano)
      \removeWithTag #'score { \altoOneTPP } \\
      \removeWithTag #'score { \altoTwoTPP }

pianoReductionNoTPP = \new PianoStaff \with {
  fontSize = #-1
  \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -1)
} <<
  \new Staff \with {
    \consists "Mark_engraver"
    \consists "Metronome_mark_engraver"
    \remove "Staff_performer"
  } {
    #(set-accidental-style 'piano)
  \new Staff \with {
    \remove "Staff_performer"
  } {
    #(set-accidental-style 'piano)
      \altoOneNoTPP \\

\score {
    \new ChoirStaff
  \layout { }
  \midi { }
\score {
    \new ChoirStaff
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

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