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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] MXE suddenly wants to rebuild everything

From: Tony Theodore
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] MXE suddenly wants to rebuild everything
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 02:28:20 +1000

On 02/06/2013, at 1:39 AM, Nikos Chantziaras <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hmm, I've actually started the rebuild.  It actually finished much sooner 
> than expected.  It didn't actually rebuild everything.  It rebuilt gcc and 
> qt.  I assumed it was going to rebuild everything, since it started with gcc. 
>  But it seems I was wrong.  I've still no idea why it did that.  Most 
> probably I touched some file by mistake.

It should have at least rebuilt "zlib libpng jpeg libmng" (the qt deps) if gcc 
was built. Have you modified the deps on those packages also? That behaviour is 
almost more surprising than the original rebuild! If you somehow touched 
src/gcc.mk, then all it's dependents should rebuild.

>>> My MXE tree is about a year old though (I have tons of settings in the *.mk 
>>> files that really I don't want to lose) and I don't track it with Git, so 
>>> the new stuff is definitely not there.
>> What sort of settings are they? Is there a way we could make it easier to 
>> keep updated with mxe and keep your local settings?
> Not sure how easy it would be to automate this.  Here's a good example 
> (qt.mk) of the kind of changes I'm doing:
>  http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=dkn6jZUC

You're right, some of those are unsupported - e.g. prefixed qt tools are 
deprecated since the addition of qt5. 

For the "pkg-config" LIBS we could probably add "--silence-errors", I've 
stumbled across this where some optional dependencies don't build on certain 
targets and the only failure otherwise is pkg-config. There's also a 
possibility that the patch workflow[1] will lead to a more granular set of 
build steps (which may also cover the post build steps of additional tools like 
assistant/designer), but we could add a snippet like 
"$(PKG)_CONFIGURE_ENV_VARS" that you could override in settings.mk.

For the configure options, we could add a similar variable that is appended to 
our standard set. Later options should override earlier ones, so all the 
"-no-*" options can be consolidated.



P.S. Note that some of the standard "-no-*" options are glib and gstreamer - 
that may cause problems with QtGstreamer.

[1] https://github.com/mxe/mxe/issues/134

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