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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] gtk3 and gtkmm3

From: Gerardo Ballabio
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] gtk3 and gtkmm3
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 09:20:30 +0200

Actually I had tried changing the function name, then the message
changed to this:

Errore in G:\me\TEST-G~1.EXE
Voce mancante: g_win32_run_session_bus

Error in G:\me\TEST-G~1.EXE
Missing entry: g_win32_run_session_bus

So it seems that the function name was correct, it's something inside
the function that gives the exception. I also tried to find if it was
a particular line of code, but actually the warning disappeared only
when I commented out the whole function body (that's the patch that I

I haven't used gdb for a long time, but I'll see what I can do with it.


2015-09-09 9:01 GMT+02:00, Nagaev Boris <address@hidden>:
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Gerardo Ballabio
> <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Well, I have Windows in Italian, so the message for me is:
>> Si รจ verificata un'eccezione durante l'esecuzione di
>> "G:address@hidden"
>> In English it should translate to:
>> An exception occurred during execution of
>> "G:address@hidden"
> Maybe the problem is related to this "@16" in the function name. And
> the commit is related to properly setting the name of the function.
> "@..." is stdcall function, this is all what I know about it. I
> suspect wrong function name for g_win32_run_session_bus being
> selected.
> Can you run the program under debugger (MXE has gdb.exe) and catch
> this exception?
>> So it is the same function mentioned in that commit, although the
>> message seems different. I'll check if that fixes it.
> This commit (and other changes to get_session_address_dbus_launch) is
> already applied in Glib 2.42.1.
> Can you check which variant of the #ifdef is used in MXE?
>> Gerardo
>> 2015-09-08 22:32 GMT+02:00, Nagaev Boris <address@hidden>:
>>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Gerardo Ballabio
>>> <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> 2015-09-05 22:05 GMT+02:00, Nagaev Boris <address@hidden>:
>>>>> Pango seems to be fixed!
>>>>> Read more https://github.com/mxe/mxe/issues/804
>>>> Great!
>>>>> You also have changed glib not to show runtime warning in
>>>>> gtkapplication. I think this change is independent of gtk3 and gtkmm3.
>>>>> Is it needed?
>>>> Well, GtkApplication is a gtk3 class, so the problem only shows up
>>>> when using gtk3.
>>>> It is needed because without it, every time that the user runs the
>>>> compiled program, the warning pops up when the program starts. I
>>>> consider this very annoying. I would not want to release a program
>>>> which does that.
>>> What the message is about?
>>> Glib has the following commit:
>>> https://github.com/GNOME/glib/commit/1e3fe29fc3707e7844fce8e3761c3f12090d9158
>>>> Fix g_win32_run_session_bus hook for MinGW-w64
>>>> On win64, g_win32_run_session_bus gets exported with this
>>>> precise name, with MinGW as well as MSVC.
>>>> Fixes annoying "Entry not found" UI warning.
>>> Is it related to your change?
>>>> However if you will update glib to a newer version (required for gtk
>>>> 3.16), it might be that the patch is no longer needed. I haven't tried
>>>> that yet.
>>>> Gerardo
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Boris Nagaev
> --
> Best regards,
> Boris Nagaev

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