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Re: Some stuff....

From: Martin Pala
Subject: Re: Some stuff....
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 13:57:11 +0100
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Jan-Henrik Haukeland wrote:

Christian Hopp <address@hidden> writes:

I have again some ideas for discussion...

1) [Feature]

  An optional "DESC[RIPTION] STRING" entry for every check.  It might
  be useful in cases that more then one admin uses monit.  It should
  display in the web interface, maybe in the status and in the alert
  emails too.

Aside from the web interface you could simply use comments in the
monitrc file to document each entry. But I'm sort of indifferent to this.

2) [Feature]

  A possibility to run Monit as "CGI" => Monit's status in html
  format additionally to the normal status.

But the staus is already right there on the front page, in HTML and
easily parsable by e.g. Perl.  But I'm open for outputting various
information from the web server, for instance support for the SOAP

3) [Security]

  A "dumb" mode for the httpd server => for the paranoid admin.  In
  case you want to have the status in the httpd but no interaction.

I'm not sure, if you're really paranoide simply do not run the web
server, okay, you will miss out on some function but monit will work
fine without. Besides with ACL, Basic Auth and thanks to you SSL the
web server should be pretty save to run.

4) [Security]

  Monit server <-> monit client communication via "file socket"
  instead of network => for the paranoid admin.  Why?  You can give a
  "file socket" a more refined permissions then a network socket.
  Even if the socket is just directed to localhost, everyone on that
  computer can send data to it.  For the "file socket" you still need
  the permission on the system".

       USE ADDRESS /var/run/monit.sock root root 0600

This is a feature that looks good at first sight but on second sight
does only add micro-optimizing security to the server. The current
socket communication is fine, and you can use Basic Auth to only
access the Server with a password found in monitrc. And if someone can
hack the monitrc file and read the password thay can certainly change
the permissions on the unix socket file.

5) [Feature]

  Additional process resources:

       - number of child processes
       - then also possible... total memory of all child processes

Sounds good (it should be put in the process detail page I think).

6) [Feature] But I don't like but it might be necessary...

  I18N... central string tables... etc.

English is fine isn't it for this kind of program? If and when we
create a GUI program to display the status on many monit instances
I18N could be something to consider.

To summarize

proposal my vote
1        0
2        pending +1
3        -1
4        -1
5        +1
6 -1

my votes:

1        0 In the event that monit will be used by more then one user (admin), 
it could be useful.
2        +1 for the SOAP protocol
3        0 I think it could be useful to have support for "roles" in monit, so there could be role 
"admin" that is allowed to start/stop processes via monit command-line and http interface and for 
example role "operator" that is allowed to only see the status of the processes (read-only - not 
start/stop them nor see passwords, etc.) It could be extensible => new roles could added (ACL based) or just 
static (a few predefined roles)

4        -1 i agree with Jan
5        +1
6        0 I think it could be useful to have support for localization directly 
in monit in the case that more people than admin shall use monit (for example 
in the case of roles support).

Conclusion: In the case of monit roles-like feature support i'm +1 for topics 
1, 3 and 6

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