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[Monotone-devel] clarifications about bookkeeping dir

From: Nathaniel Smith
Subject: [Monotone-devel] clarifications about bookkeeping dir
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:38:31 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

Effectively replying to a few different emails here...
  -- "MTN" is not one of the options.  It conflicts with the
     executable name on case insensitive filesystems.  The bookkeeping
     dir must have a name one would not otherwise use, and obviously
     if we're _shipping_ a file named that it is hard to argue that it
     will not be otherwise used :-).
  -- Making the bookkeeping dir a configurable option is also not on
     the table.  Maybe we can reconsider that after we have non-merge
     For now, it is a security and corruption prevention measure that
     we know what the bookkeeping dir is called, and can disallow ever
     having versioned files that would conflict with it.  I'm even
     willing to speak in the dictatorial mode here :-) Safety trumps
     pretty much everything.
     (Which is, incidentally, the main thing blocking 0.26 -- the
     merger is still not well tested.  I hear the argument that we
     need to get it out the door, but... darn it, tests _are_
     important.  There's a principle here...)

-- Nathaniel

IBM manual SENG-5155-01:  Power Supply and Air Moving Device Installation
Instruction for iSeries 820 and 5075.

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