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Re: [OctDev] Need for JHandles/Linux tester

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Re: [OctDev] Need for JHandles/Linux tester
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 23:45:16 +0200

On 7/7/07, Paul Kienzle <address@hidden> wrote:
I put jogl and its associated jnilib files in ~/Library/Java/Extensions
in hopes that I won't have to set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to them.

As I stated earlier, jogl.jar should be in EXEC_PATH and native libs
should be in a place where the system can load them: under Mac OSX, it's
probably DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (or whatever system-dependent location).

Running the example you gave earlier:

 page_screen_output(0); % do not buffer output
 h = uicontrol('string', 'OK'); % should create a push button
 set(h, 'callback', @(h,e) disp('button clicked')); % add a callback to
the button
 uicontrol('style', 'edit', 'min', 0, 'max', 2, 'position', [10 45 200
300], ...
'horizontalalignment', 'left', 'backgroundcolor', 'w'); % should create
a text edit area

I get
 [Java CocoaComponent compatibility mode]: Enabled
 [Java CocoaComponent compatibility mode]: Setting timeout for SWT to

At this point the java client hangs, and nothing is displayed.

Unfortunately, I don't have any idea about what's happening (I never used
Mac OSX). Can you try with a simple plot, without any ui controls?
For instance "plot(rand(1,50))".


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