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Re: macOS 4.4.0 DMG (beta2) ready for testing

From: apjanke-floss
Subject: Re: macOS 4.4.0 DMG (beta2) ready for testing
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 02:37:47 -0700 (MST)

Hi, Mohammed,

I think I have a fix for this now.

It looks like packages that have compiled components cannot be shared
between Octaves that are installed at different paths, because their dylib
links include the full path to the liboct and liboctinterp they were linked

So, I think your issue is that your control package was built and installed
by a different Octave, so it's incompatible with the Octave.app that lives
at a different path.

To fix this, I've modified Octave.app to store its packages in a separate,
versioned directory.

The downside is that you'll have to reinstall all your packages with each
Octave.app version upgrade. The upside is that your Octave won't crash. I
think it's worth the tradeoff.

If you have a chance, please download the new Octave.app 4.4.0 beta5 build
and see if that works for you. When you install and run it, you should see
no packages installed under "pkg list", but a "pkg install -forge control"
should succeed, and should not interfere with the packages installed under
your other Octave installations.




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