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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue

From: /\Angles\/
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:14:20 +0000

Dan Kuykendall (Seek3r) (address@hidden) wrote*:
>I do not want to leave GNU either. This is not something I am taking
>lightly at all. I, probably more than anyone, am accutely aware of the
>global impact of leaving GNU. But as the chosen and accepted leader of
>phpGroupWare I have a responsibility to this team, who has worked so
>hard, to consider the needs of our project first and foremost.

This reminds me of a situation I had last week with a Tenant (I work in a RE 
where we had we conversation where I thought I preliminarily agreed in 
principal to
something, but he had thought I agreed specifically to something more detailed.

As the week went on, we argued and I had sent contractors home, and such... for
several days there was stagnation.

Then one night I thought very hard about that conversation and realized the I 
see how the Tenant could "reasonably" thought I had agreed to the more specific
thing. The next morning I called him and admitted and explained my mistake and
immediately sought to fix it, within a day everything was fine and dandy.

I believe FSF should do what I had to do (my example is "Real Life") and swallow
some pride, admit to a mistake very similar to mine (pre-savannah discussions) 
immediately seek to fix the problem. In the case of my example, that would mean
allowing gifs on the server because of a mistake that was made some time ago, 
they (FSF), as ethical and honerable people, should seek to stick by what
phpGroupWare "reasonably" believed was the agreed to situation.

My actions prevented years of bad relations, possible court costs, and held to 
principle that you stick to your word. The result speaks for itself.

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