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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue

From: Jason Cook
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] The GIF issue
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:24:48 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

* Martinus Nel (address@hidden) wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am a simple user that uses phpgroupware.  I have read all the e-mail
> posted about this gif problem, and can see / understand the different
> view points.
> I like phpgw, for it's freedom, for the level of productivity it
> provides and for the simple fact that I can brag to my friends,
> showing them what nice app I have installed :)
> I understand that for and effective boycott, one must boycott ALL gif,
> for simple users, like me, does not always know the difference - or
> does not have the means to find which gif's is good / bad (someone has
> already mentions this).
> I also understand that there is a real technical problem in using png,
> and that problem will have a drastic effect on the UI - arguably the
> most important part of a group-ware suit.
> What remains to be seen is *how* bad it would effect the UI or the
> users (non png compliant browsers), and then weigh that up against the
> effect it will have on leaving gnu.
> As for leaving gnu.  In my humble opinion, two heads is better than
> one, and to have phpgw integrated with .gnu would be excellent.  I do
> realize this can be done without the current phpgw team, but I don't
> think it will happen as fast or as good.
> Now, I stand on my knees and beg both the phpgw team, and the FSF to
> work together.  The FSF can clearly see that this is technical
> problem, and will take TIME to solve.  The phpgw team can also
> understand the moral implication, and thus, start working on taking
> out the gif's - hosting them on another site.
> Yes, I know it will make for more work to make use of png and possibly
> be stuck with a uglier UI, but you are smart people, you can fix it
> :))
> PLEASE people, gnu will be stronger with phpgw and visa versa.
> The rant of a user.
> -----------------------------------------
> Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he 
> dreams himself
> your master. -- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

One of the things on my todo list this week is to get phpGW 0.9.14 up
and running.  When I do that I will go through and replace all the
GIFs with PNGs and take screenshots with various browsers.  I'm pretty
sure what the results will be though.

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